compile [-clean] [-verbose] [
compile_to_c_options] <Root-Class>
Command compile is the SmallEiffel compiler.
Source code is Eiffel and target code is ANSI C code.
Command compile executes in two major steps:
Step 1 - | command compile_to_c is called to produce various
C files (*.h and *.c). A script file is also produced
by command compile_to_c. The name of the script file
is also printed by command compile_to_c (*.make on
Unix or *.BAT on DOS for example).
Step 2 - | The script file produced during
step 1 is runned, launching the C compilation and linking of
all the C files produced during the previous step .
Thus, command compile is a simple launcher used to sequentially
call command compile_to_c,
the C compiler and the linker.
Like command compile_to_c, command compile must have at least
one argument to indicate the starting execution point of the system.
Thus execution will start in <Root-Procedure> of <Root-Class>.
The default <Root-Procedure> is make.
- By default, the generated C files and object files are kept from one invocation
of command compile
to another. This enables incremental C compilation, since only the
C files which have been modified since the last invocation of
command compile will be recompiled. Because the Eiffel
to C compilation performed by SmallEiffel is generally much faster
than the C compilation itself, incremental C compilation saves times.
However, there are situations where you want to get rid of all
the previously generated C and object files, to start afresh.
This occurs, for example, when you change the C compiler options:
these new options apply only to the C files which are actually
recompiled (see example 3 below).
Option -clean removes the C and object files previously
generated by
making command clean be called at the end of the compilation.
Displays (a lot of) useful information during the compilation (full path of
loaded files, type inference score, generated files, etc).
Example 1
When SmallEiffel is correctly installed, you can simply type
the following command to test the hello world program:
compile hello_world
The compiler should tell you what's wrong or should compile
Eiffel source files telling you the full path used to load
the Eiffel source code.
Under UNIX, the executable file is named "a.out" by default.
Example 2
Type following command to finalize the hello_world simple
compile -boost -no_split -O3 hello_world
Note that option -O3 is passed to the C compiler (see the manual
of your C compiler). Options -boost and -no_split
are passed to command
This is usually the best way to finalize your application.
Only one C file is produced (option -no_split)
Example 3
To compile a big project (class PROJECT) with C files splitting and
require assertions checked:
compile -require_check project
The very first time, all C files are produced and compiled.
Then, if you type the same command after some changes in the
Eiffel source files, all C files are also produced from scratch.
If there are only minor changes in the generated
C files, only modified ones are passed to the C compiler
(previous object files have been saved).
Keep in mind that C compiler options are not taken into account.
Thus if you now want to do:
compile -require_check project -O3
You must use the clean command before:
clean project
All C files will be then recompiled using the new C option -O3.
You are thus sure that the new C options are taken into account.
Copyright © Dominique COLNET and Suzanne COLLIN -
Last update: 05 June 1999, by DC & OZ.